Detective Marshall is investigating the disappearance of local Miami athlete Dion Carter. Dion Carter mysteriously went missing after his date with one of the 3 women suspects in his disappearance.
After a week of wining and dining with the three women, Carter was later reported missing in action. Critical clues to his disappearance tie back to carters interactions with the 3 women in question. Love, Jane, Amanda.
As the most subtly unhinged character Jane becomes involved in the crime as the star suspect. The beautiful and seductive Jane is a wealthy head journalist at who often writes about scorned women in her many excerpts. Seeing that she was the last seen with Carter detective Marshall assumes she has probable cause to kill.
The plot takes a turn when the detective comes across a series of polaroids that outline the many different dates Mr. Carter embarked on the week of his disappearance. Each photo gives a distinctive storyline that later implicates Amanda and love as prime suspects of the crime.
Teenear - Ain't Mine [ Mini Series Part 1 of 4 ]- LOVE
Things get a little edgy
As Love is put in the hot seat at the police station after the sudden disappearance of NFL play D.Carter and is listened as one of the last women seen with him.
Teenear - Ain't Mine [ Mini Series Part 2 of 4 ]- JANE
Things get a little serious
as the most subtly unhinged character Jane becomes involved in the crime as the star suspect. The beautiful and seductive Jane is a wealthy head journalist who often writes about scorned women in her many excerpts. Seeing that she was last seen with Carter detective Marshall assumes she has probable cause to kill.
Teenear - Ain't Mine [ Mini Series Part 3 of 4 ] - AMANDA MARIE
As the series comes to an end
our final suspect is Amanda Marie. Amanda Marie is soon called into questioning by detective Marshall. The blonde feminist gives details to the detective about the series of events leading to Carter's disappearance. As she is giving her statements things take a turn once Detective Marshall questions, are her statements really a bunch of gibberish or really a confession of clues leading to the hanus act?